Our goal and passion have always been to create useful, easy-to-use, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing software. Throughout all these years of our activity, technologies have changed, and the world has changed, but our principles have remained the same - software must be useful, flawless, aesthetic, and easy to use!

What we do not promise you and what can we guarantee?

  • We won’t beat around the bush. We value honest and transparent communication!
  • We are always very proactive in the software development process. We have many ideas and are happy to share them with our clients.
  • Each member of our team is communicative, patient, and always willing to listen and help you.
  • We are very effective. Many of our clients were used to deadlines counted in weeks and months before they met us... and they were very surprised that these activities could be completed several times faster!

And what is most important...

We believe that creating software together (yes - you make it too) is a relationship that will last for many years. Both we and you want the software to be used by as many people as possible for as long as possible and without any problems. If you agree with this, we warmly invite you to cooperate!

  • Web applications

    We know this like no one else. In ancient times, we created our own JavaScript framework, which allowed us to thoroughly understand how applications of this type should work. In addition, we love analyzing user needs and designing appropriate UI/UX so that our applications are easy, simple, fast, and above all, useful.

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  • Mobile applications

    We have been creating mobile applications since 2013. We started with native solutions for iOS. Currently, thanks to React Native technology, we develop applications for iOS and Android platforms simultaneously, which significantly shortens the time of project implementation and reduces costs. Over the years, we have gained valuable experience that allows us to deliver modern, intuitive, and functional applications.

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  • Desktop applications

    We've been doing this forever. Ease of use and intuitiveness are our priorities. Unlike web applications, desktop applications can integrate with the operating system, which opens up a whole range of possibilities.

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  • Databases and database applications

    Database applications include both desktop and web applications. However, we mention them separately to highlight our extensive experience with SQL and NoSQL databases.

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  • Embedded software

    Creating embedded software requires exceptional discipline and caution. We have been doing this for years, and our clients are extremely satisfied with us, because the software we have created for them... simply works and there are no problems with it.

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  • AI solutions

    Nowadays, artificial intelligence is a hot topic... and almost everyone claims to be an AI expert... Well, our experts have been dealing with AI for 30 years and they really know it! We believe that beyond Sci-Fi topics, AI is perfect for improving existing algorithms. An example of such use of artificial intelligence is the TonCut program, which, thanks to the combination of AI with classic algorithms, allows our customers to save even more time, material, and money.

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  • Refactoring of existing software

    If your software does not work properly, constantly generates problems, cannot be repaired, cannot be developed, is outdated, is unintuitive and difficult to use, or maybe employees simply hate it... we will be happy to solve this problem!

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  • IT consulting in the field of production process optimization

    Based on our extensive experience, we offer comprehensive consulting in the field of business and production process optimization. Thanks to our knowledge of the latest IT trends and experience in various industries, we are able to quickly understand your company's unique needs and propose the most appropriate solutions. Our services are intended not only to increase efficiency and reduce costs but also to significantly reduce the number of production errors through the implementation of modern IT tools.

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